Alison Pitt

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Let's talk about recovering from setbacks

Pick yourself up. There’s no 5 second rule for your ego. Image description: an ice cream cone lies on the ground, half a scoop of ice cream having fallen out

A couple weeks ago, I planned and recorded a video all about Inbox Zero. It’s, like, totally my favorite! (I’m not actually being sarcastic here - it’s true.) It was a busy day; I was in a rush. When I finally sat down to edit it, it just wasn’t good enough, and I decided not to publish it.

I know what you’re thinking: this is self-destructive, over-perfectionistic behavior! It was probably fine and you were scared it wouldn’t be “good enough”! And it’s true: I tend to have a perfectionistic streak, which has, in the past, made it difficult for me to turn in projects that were not up to my standard. But that’s not what happened here. I made the decision not to publish because as a seasoned content creator at this point, I knew that that video, as it was, would not be effective, either in delivering the message I wanted, or in reflecting positively on me.

So I scrapped it.

And then I made another video about scrapping it.

So, for your viewing pleasure, allow me to tell you the story of how I messed up, why that’s okay, and what I did next…